Planetbase Wikia

Grid Behaviour[]

The grid is the interconnection of the structures for the main resources, Power, Water and Oxygen.

In the event of a meteor strike on structures, the oxygen flow is interrupted in the damaged structure, but power and water flow remain normal.

Grids PowerGrid Power Grid[]

Stats PowerGenerated-Storage Power Generation[]

The amount of power currently generated by structures. It is always expressed in KW(Kilowatt).

Stats PowerConsumption Power Consumption[]

The amount of power consumed by structures and components. It is always expressed in KW(Kilowatt).

Grids PowerStorage Power Storage[]

The current level and maximum capacity of every Power Collector.

Grids WaterGrid Water Grid[]

Stats WaterGenerated-Storage Water Generation[]

The amount of water currently generated by the various Water Extractors across the base.

Stats WaterConsumption Water Consumption[]

The amount of water consumed by structures and components.

Grids WaterStorage Water Storage[]

The current level and maximum capacity of every Water Tank.

Grids OxygenFlow Oxygen Flow[]

Stats OxygenGenerated-Level Oxygen Generation[]

Stats OxygenConsumption Oxygen Consumption[]
